Friday, April 6, 2012

Tov Rose: Personal Update, Passover/Easter, Upcoming Speaking Engagements

Tov Rose: Personal Update, Passover/Easter, Upcoming Speaking Engagements

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February 2012
In This Issue
  • Tov Rose: Personal Update
  • Passover/Easter
  • Upcoming Speaking Engagements

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Like Tov Rose: Personal Update, Passover/Easter, Upcoming Speaking Engagements on Facebook
Personal Update
By Tov Rose

Thank you for praying with us! We’ve had wonderful success raising new financial supporters. Praise God! However, due to the economy, some have reduced or stopped supporting us! At a time when we are attempting to reach our target support level, we are still $2500 short every month. Starting this month, Michelle and I have begun calling churches to schedule speaking engagements for me in partnership with Midwest Hebrew Ministries, which is a wonderful way to help raise support. If you could help open the door at your church or congregation that would help a lot!

Michelle and I have some wonderful ministry opportunities before us, like helping revitalize a local organization that has a heart for helping Jewish people understand and know their own Messiah, Jesus (Yeshua in Hebrew), organizing missions trips to help the poor of Israel, and helping to organize trips for pastors and educators to Israel to teach ministers there to disciple believers. The pastors in Israel are short on discipleship skills, while strong in Evangelism. We are partnering more closely with my Israel-based brother with his private Christian school in Israel, and working to bring missions teams to Israel to help struggling congregations and persecuted believers, as is done by American Christians in many other countries around the world. We need your help!

Should everyone receiving our prayer letters increase their giving by $17 a month; we’d reach our monthly target salary. If a few people would give a special financial gift, we should be able to begin moving forward with confidence. Should a few people consider supporting us for the first time or renewing their support, we could make our goal. We know that not everyone is able and we understand. It’s not easy living on a tight budget, praying every month for enough to come in. Even if you’re not able to support us financially, would you pray with us that enough comes in for us, all of those people who do support us?

How can you help?
1. Increase your monthly praying.
2. Increase your monthly giving (if you are able).
3. Invite Tov to speak at your church or group.
4. Host a lunch or dinner where you share about our ministry with people you know, encouraging them to pray for us and support us. Ask them to contact us directly to learn more! We can provide video and other materials for this.
5. Actively share about what we are doing with those around you.
6. Contact your local Christian Radio Station encouraging them to interview me about my ministry and books
7. Buy some books! :-)

Please contact me with questions. We can also send materials about our ministry.

Anyone wanting to support us financially may do so through PayPal, using the email address:
You can also send a gift to us in care of:

Tov & Michelle Rose
c/o Midwest Hebrew Ministries
P.O. Box 43953
Minneapolis, MN, 55443

Blessings in Yeshua (Jesus),


 Like Tov Rose: Personal Update, Passover/Easter, Upcoming Speaking Engagements on Facebook Tov & Michelle Rose
 PO BOX 22231 | Saint Paul | MN 55122
 Email: |

TOV Rose is the author of several books, including The New Messianic Version of the BibleThe Book of GOD: For MenThe Paranormal GODThe Paranormal Seams of the Hebrew BibleFall of the American Babylon, Volume 1Is It Not Written In The Book of Jasher?Is It Not Written In The Book of Enoch?, and the upcoming, Book of GOD: Genesis Unbound.

Invite TOV and Michelle to your event, or schedule an interview!
Phone: 651-686-5600 or

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"I claim to be an historian. My approach to Classics is historical. And I tell you that the evidence for the life, the death, and the resurrection of Christ is better authenticated than most of the facts of ancient history ..."
- E. M. Blaiklock - Professor of Classics, Auckland University
The Resurrection of Christ is the most powerful event in history.  It has affected the last 2000 years of history and politics, from peasants to kings to nations.  Christianity has spread across the entire world, into every country and into a vast number of ethnic groups and languages. Billions of people have experienced the life-giving, healing, forgiveness and freedom offered by God because Jesus Christ conquered death and rose again from the grave.
The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Cor 15:12-22 that without the resurrection of Christ, the Christian faith is useless. "And if Christ be not raised," Paul wrote to the Corinthians, "your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins. Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished. If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable."
There are many skeptics who disregard the resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth as a fable.  However, the evidence for Jesus' resurrection is extremely strong, even to the point of converting some who sought to disprove it:
The Empty Tomb: Though well-trained Roman soldiers guarded the tomb of Jesus Christ, it was empty 3 days after Jesus' death as Jesus had repeatedly foretold (Matt 12:40, Mark 8:31).  The guards had fled (a death penalty offense). The massive stone had been rolled away, and the body was gone – and was never produced by the enemies of the Christians.  The linen grave clothes in which the Jews bury their dead were still in the tomb, undisturbed. From the Jewish historian Josephus to a compilation of 5th-century Jewish writings called the "Toledoth Jeshu", even Jewish sources and traditions admit that the tomb was empty.  The body was never found.
Living Witnesses:  There were a multitude of witnesses who saw Jesus Christ alive after his death.  The disciples, the travelers on the road to Emmaus and a number of women all spoke to Jesus alive. Thomas doubted until he was able to put his fingers into Jesus' wounds (John 20:26-27).  He later spread the Gospel all the way to India.  The apostle Paul tells of 500 people to whom Jesus appeared at one time, most of whom were still alive and available for questioning when Paul wrote his letter  (1 Cor 15:6).  When several people testify in a courtroom that they witnessed an event, and their accounts are found consistent with each other, their testimony is considered factual information.  Jesus Christ was seen alive many times by hundreds of different people over the course of forty days after his death (John 20-21, Acts 1:3).
The Disciples:  Christ's followers, who had been fearful and who had run away when Jesus was arrested, were completely changed after the Resurrection and became courageous witnesses.  Peter, who had denied knowing Christ when recognized by a simple servant girl, became the powerfully bold leader of those who had seen Christ alive, speaking to the thousands gathered in Jerusalem for the Feast of Shavuot – Pentecost.   A person may die for a lie if they do not know it is a lie.  But people do not give their lives up and face severe persecution to spread a lie they themselves invented.   The fact that the disciples willingly suffered beatings and persecution and death is strong evidence that they had actually witnessed the resurrection they refused to stop telling people about.
Saul of Tarsus:  A devoutly religious Pharisee, who persecuted the Church and had Christ's followers thrown in prison, Paul had his life absolutely changed by his encounter with Christ.  He became a devoted follower of Christ himself, spreading the Gospel throughout Turkey and Greece in the face of beatings and shipwrecks and imprisonment and, finally, execution.
"If the New Testament were a collection of secular writings, their authenticity would generally be regarded as beyond all doubt." - F. F. Bruce, Manchester University
Skeptics' Arguments Against the Resurrection:
The Hallucination Theory claims that the witnesses who met the resurrected Jesus were all "seeing things" - they were hallucinating.  However, this goes against common sense as well as psychological principles. Five hundred people do not all hallucinate the same thing.  Jesus appeared to many people at many different times.  Also, the body was never produced.
The Swoon Theory argues that Jesus did not die – that he simply fainted from loss of blood and exhaustion.  However, this also goes against common sense.  The Romans were professionals who severely whipped Jesus, hung him on a cross, and then stabbed him in the side with a spear to make sure he was dead. He was in the grave for three days, wrapped head to foot in a burial cloth, without food or water or medical treatment.  When he appeared to his disciples he was completely whole and healthy and his appearance inspired awe and worship that lasted throughout the rest of the disciples' lives.
The Disciples Faked the Resurrection:  Discouraged, fearful fishermen and former tax collectors, whose teacher had been viciously murdered, were in little position to take on a detachment of trained Roman soldiers guarding the tomb.  They would have had to create a fantastic plan in order to fight off or bribe the professional soldiers, raid the tomb, unbind the grave clothes from Christ's body, take the body away, and hide it where nobody would ever find it. The Roman soldiers faced death if they failed in their guard duty, and the disciples had little money for bribing anybody.  Many people would have had to be involved in the conspiracy, and all those involved would not only have known the truth, but would know that they were risking meeting the same fate as their recently crucified leader. And what purpose could it possibly serve, if Jesus were dead?  They would have had nothing to gain.  Their leader was gone and they would have only faced persecution and death for their invented resurrection story.
And again, the disciples' attitudes completely changed after the Resurrection and especially after Pentecost. They became bold and courageous in spreading their message, fearless of beatings or imprisonment. They never sought to fight Rome or to establish any position or kingdom or authority for themselves.  They had nothing to gain, physically speaking.  They simply went about the known world, telling their story in spite of persecution and suffering, poverty and ridicule. Their message quickly spread across the Middle East and Europe and even into Asia without any military conquest or political support involved - and in spite of strong opposition. Only belief and hope based in the reality of their experiences would have produced such dedication in the lives of Christ's followers.
His Miracles Today:
Perhaps the greatest evidence today of Christ's resurrection is the work that he is still doing in the lives of every day people.  In the name of Jesus, people are still being healed emotionally and physically and spiritually by the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the dead.  Sinners are being freed from the burden and pain and shame of sin – sometimes immediately, sometimes after long years of steady work by the Holy Spirit in their lives.  Hearts are being mended and lives are being turned around.   The best evidence today is the faithful follower of Christ who can say, "He saved me, and I am not the person I used to be" just as the apostles testified 2000 years ago.
(For more in-depth coverage of the above arguments, as well as many further evidences and related information, please see the links below.)

Related Links:


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The New Messianic Version of the Bible - This changes everything. Get it:
The preview editions of Volume 1, Volume III and Hebrew Gospel of Matthew, available now!

Looking for all of Tov's Books? They are here:
Copyright © 2012, All rights reserved.
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